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1 Lb Mixed tumbled Model: GTMIXB Price: $13.95
Weight: 1.2lbs
Offering 1 lb of mixed tumbled stones and crystals, this is a wonderful collection for anyone who simply adores exploring using the energy of stones, ... more info |

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1 Lb Mojo Wish Beans Model: HMOJWBB Price: $20.95
Weight: 1.2lbs
The most common use for a Mojo Wish Bean is to carry it for seven days, using it as a focus for the wish you want it to aid in coming true. |

In Stock: 112
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1 Lb Money Drawing Model: IPGMONDB Price: $18.95
Weight: 1.4lbs
Burn a small portion of this lightly scented powdered incense to draw financial strength and increased wealth into your life. Self-lighting and easy ... more info |

In Stock: 70
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1 Lb Mugwort cut Model: HMUGCB Price: $26.95
Weight: 1.8lbs
Often used to protect against evil spirits, Mugwort is also believed to also dispel fatigue from travelers, aid in astral travel, dream magic and ... more info |

In Stock: 84
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1 Lb Mullein Leaf cut Model: HMULCB Price: $31.95
Weight: 2.5lbs
An ancient form of protection against black magic, curses and other negative energy, Mullein also helps keep away demons and instill courage. |

In Stock: 149
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1 Lb Myrrh Model: IGMYRB Price: $14.95
Weight: 1.2lbs
Though frankincense and myrrh tend to bring up certain religious connotations to the western mind, they have been in active use as magical incenses, ... more info |

In Stock: 23
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1 Lb Nettle Leaf cut Model: HNETCB Price: $32.95
Weight: 1.8lbs
Believed to be a powerful magical herb, offering protection against poisonous thoughts and intentions. Nettles are also used to remove curses and ... more info |

In Stock: 72
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1 Lb Numite tumbled Model: GTNUMB Price: $52.95
Weight: 1.2lbs
Numite has gained a reputation in metaphysical circles as the stone of sorcery. It is considered to be an extremely protective stone to the wearer; ... more info |

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1 Lb Orange Calcite untumbled Model: GUCALOB Price: $11.95
Weight: 1.2lbs
Orange calcite is a wonderful stone for healing and magic, where it is believed to be a powerful stone of protection and grounding, that can yet help ... more info |

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1 Lb Orris Root cut Model: HORRRCB Price: $58.95
Weight: 1.2lbs
Orris root has long been used to find or hold love, and messages. Orris is Iris the Greek Goddess - the rainbow. The root also has associations with ... more info |

In Stock: 477.6
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1 Lb Palo Santo smudge Model: RSPALSB Price: $62.95
Weight: 1.6lbs
Palo Santo wood is a rosy sweet-smelling wood also know as Holy wood. The sticks will smolder for several minutes once lit and blown out. 70 - 80 ... more info |

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1 Lb Passion Flower cut Model: HPASCB Price: $39.95
Weight: 1.8lbs
Said to aid in finding emotional balance, helping to bring peace and friendship, Passion Flower is also believed to improve the libido. |

In Stock: 80
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1 Lb Patchouli Model: IPGPATB Price: $18.95
Weight: 1.4lbs
Burn a small portion of this lightly scented powdered incense to draw the one you desire close. Self-lighting and easy to use, simply place a small ... more info |

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1 Lb Pennyroyal Leaf cut Model: HPENCB Price: $22.95
Weight: 3.2lbs
Said to be of use for spells of purification, Pennyroyal is known for its uses in spells of protection and exorcism as well. |

In Stock: 3
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1 Lb Peppermint Leaf cut Model: HPEPCB Price: $22.95
Weight: 2.5lbs
Of potent use in creating visionary dreams and psychic ability, Peppermint is also famous for its fresh aromatic fragrance. |