
In Stock: 1909.25
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1 Lb Rose Quartz tumbled Model: GTROSB Price: $11.95
Weight: 1.2lbs
Rose Quartz is a gentle and warm stone that is of great use in love spells. It is also believed to be quite useful in healing emotional wounds, and ... more info |

In Stock: 19
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1 Lb Rosemary Leaf whole Model: HROSMWB Price: $15.95
Weight: 1.3lbs
In addition to being a popular culinary spice, Rosemary is traditionally known for increasing memory and being a powerful aid in spells of love and ... more info |

In Stock: 88
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1 Lb Sage Leaf cut Model: HSAGWB Price: $20.95
Weight: 3lbs
Sage leaf is well known for its powers of protection, healing and prosperity, and is also said to be of great use in seeking deeper sources of wisdom. |

In Stock: 210
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1 Lb Salt Petre Model: HSALPB Price: $16.95
Weight: 1.2lbs
Commonly used by women to keep their partner from straying, Salt Petre is also of great use in exorcisms and other purification rituals. |

In Stock: 17
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1 Lb Scullcap cut Model: HSCUCB Price: $155.95
Weight: 1.8lbs
Often used in spells and rituals seeking everlasting fidelity and commitment, |

In Stock: 1462
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1 Lb Sea Salt Coarse Model: HSEACB Price: $3.95
Weight: 1.2lbs
A powerful aid in protective magic, Sea Salt is also good for cleansing and purifying crystals and scrying mirrors. Note: granule sizes vary widely ... more info |

In Stock: 63
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1 Lb Sea Salt Fine Model: HSEAFB Price: $5.95
Weight: 1.2lbs
This fine sea salt offers a smaller grain size, making it easier to use within bath salts and cosmetic blends. |

In Stock: 45.4
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1 Lb Serpenitine tumbled Model: GTSERB Price: $48.95
Weight: 1.2lbs
Serpentine makes an exceptional meditation stone. It helps you to find inner peace. Serpentine was carried in ancient Assyria to request the gods and ... more info |

In Stock: 19
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1 Lb Shungite tumbled Model: GTSHUB Price: $49.95
Weight: 1.2lbs
Shungite is known to assist in adapting to new situations & people and when used ritualy or in meditation can help to harmonize individual energy ... more info |

In Stock: 15
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1 Lb Smoker's Aid Model: RSMOB Price: $36.95
Weight: 2.5lbs
Smoker's Aid is a non-tobacco ritual blend created to help reduce coughing, repair lung tissue, and help with weight control. Blend includes: ... more info |

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1 Lb Sodalite tumbled Model: GTSODB Price: $25.95
Weight: 1.2lbs
Sometimes mistaken for Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite is deep blue with beautiful veins that appear like captured lightning. Use it in your healing practices ... more info |

In Stock: 12
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1 Lb Solomon's Seal root cut Model: HSOLCB Price: $79.95
Weight: 1.3lbs
Believed to be potent when used in the creation of magical seals and binding spirits, Solomon's Seal Root is also used as an aphrodisiac, and in love ... more info |

In Stock: 24
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1 Lb Spearmint cut Model: HSPECB Price: $16.95
Weight: 1.7lbs
A great herb and used widely. It can be invigorating for the mind, senses, and pyshic awareness as an aromatic. Also Spearmint is useful in dream and ... more info |

In Stock: 296
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1 Lb Sulfur pwd (Brimstone) Model: HSULPB Price: $14.95
Weight: 1.2lbs
Sometimes associated with hell and the devil, Sulfur, or Brimstone, is actually quite good for destroying an enemy's hold on you or preventing curses ... more info |

In Stock: 5
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1 Lb Thyme Leaf whole Model: HTHYLWB Price: $27.95
Weight: 1.4lbs
Thyme is an herb most associated with health and healing and also to attract good health. It is also deeply connected to Venus, Water and Feminine ... more info |